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The Friends of St Matthew's Church was launched on Sunday 29th March 2015.


Fund-raising priorities and events are developed by the Friends, which is a sub-committee of the Parochial Church Council.

Members and supporters aim to run a variety of fund raising events. Individual members, supporters and organisations are encouraged to run their own events on behalf of the Friends and any such help will be very much appreciated.


New ideas and offers of help can be submitted by getting in touch with us. Thank you.





Patron: John Selborne GBE FRS



  • Diane Bradley

  • Malcolm Cooper - Vice chair

  • Torben Houlberg - Treasurer

  • Davina Hudson

  • Tracey Kirkby - Secretary

  • Rev'd Wendy Mallas

  • Jilly Prideaux - Chairman

  • Joanna Selborne

  • Rev'd Alice Wood - Honorary Trustee





Dear Parishioner,

My name is Jilly Prideaux and I have lived in this area since my parents moved here in the late 1940’s. St Matthew’s has always been my family’s church. My sister and I were both christened and confirmed there.  Our family has also celebrated weddings, grandchildren’s christenings and funerals during the intervening years.  It is somewhere where I can go and sit and feel comforted by its peace and tranquillity during the difficult times, and I am sure that many people in this community feel the same and consider St Matthew's to be their church.

Our church relies entirely on donations or bequests made by our congregation and those at weddings and funerals. We get no help from the government or the Church of England. There is a need for urgent work.  We had a new roof, paid for by a huge fund raising campaign which enabled us to get some grants. But that was just the beginning... In the future I don’t want anyone’s children or grandchildren to say that we didn’t care enough to ensure that their children and grandchildren could enjoy the same choices we have had.

I have been asked to be Chairman of the ’Friends of St Matthew’s Church’ and as such I am writing to invite you to join this group.  If you or your family and friends feel that St Matthews is, or may become, an important part of your life whether it be for a baptism, a wedding, or even a funeral then this would be a very practical way of helping. The aim of this Group is to raise funds to support the maintenance and repairs of St Matthew’s Church building and churchyard to ensure its continuing survival as a place of worship and historical interest long into the future.  Without the support of this group St Matthew's Church may no longer be a church which is open for weekly services, let alone these special occasions. It is 150 years old and we would like to ensure that it is here for another 150 years.

If you would like to know more about ‘The Friends of St Matthew's Church’ then please feel free to telephone or email me.

With warmest wishes

Jilly Prideaux (November 2015)



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